
Das Video

Eurocontrol ist ja der Laden, wo ich vor meinem Studium arbeiten wollte.
Mein Schwager arbeitet da ja.
Und die haben jetzt ein Video herausgebracht, um zu zeigen, wie awesome die sind:



Die Katie

That time of the year again.
I swear it tries to turn me into some kind of emotional person!
And they said it wouldn't have negative sideeffects. -.-
And then I stumbled over this page. <-
And there was this pinch... and a strange warm feeling in my stomach... around my heart... odd.
Exhaling made some strange AAAWWWWWW like sounds...
And I think some strange fluid started getting into my eyes. O.o'
What the hell is up with this time of the year?!
Turns me into some kind of emotional human being!
Pah Humbug!
